Monday, February 8, 2010

Un breve descanso

Today started out with 4 shots.

First day with our new pediatrician in Wichita.  He's great!  I think we'll stick with him.  Today was vaccination day, unfortunately.  Soren did great, actually.  I was the one who couldn't handle it.  Seriously, sometimes I do believe the whole, "this hurts me more than it hurts you" thing.  Anyway, the nurse was superrrrr fast and I mean "super-rápido!"  Four shots in probably 4 seconds flat.  She had it down.  Soren didn't even know what hit him.  He was done crying a minute later.  I'm proud of him and thankful for an awesome nurse!

Micah lives about 2 hours away and since it's Wil's day off, he stopped by for a visit.

Micah is amazing on the guitar.  Not an exaggeration.
He was here ten minutes before he opened up this beauty:

Leon was all too curious.

Then we went BACK into Wichita for some dinner and adventure.

This is where we ate.

These are the pictures that I'm most proud of today...and I took a LOT of pictures today.  I feel like my photos are stuck in a pattern that I can't get out of.  I do a lot of face-front portraits that are underexposed and pretty generic.  I'm trying really hard to get some fresh angles, varied lighting, and better details.  I'm still doing the 365-photo-a-day project and I think it's really helping, but there are a lot of days where I just take snapshots instead of really challenging myself.  Granted, I don't have all day to really look for the "perfect picture", but I could put forth a little more effort.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the shots!

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