Saturday, January 16, 2010


I say 'finally' because Soren is--after 6 hours of fussiness, eating, more fussiness, and several thousand attempts to entertain and then lull to sleep--asleep.  There is no mistaking the fact that I have been blessed with Wil's child.  His propensity to force himself awake all day long has to be in his genes.  I have not accomplished anything today!!  ARgh!

I mean, look at him!  He's eyeballing me with those tired eyes.

He's a cutie, though.  We're going to try a stricter schedule next week and see how that works.  Poor dude.

It's been a busy week.  Wednesday we had Community Youth Group for the first time.  I really enjoyed getting to meet the kids and play some goofy games.  Thursday we went into Wichita for Wil to meet with Matt Macy and to get some groceries.  Friday we watched the Varsity Basketball girls and boys teams up at the high school.  Today has been a little more relaxed.  Rebecca and Jessica came over and we played The Office board game (and for the record, I won by a landslide. :D).

It's also been a sobering week as news from Haiti keeps coming in.  I feel almost silly posting about other goings-on, when something so grave has occurred.  This has really been heavy on us, and we want to do what we can to help.  If you're interested, John Piper listed 11 charities collecting donations for Haiti that are legit.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen that " Do you, a mere mortal, really think you can make me go to sleep" look before . I will pray for you.
