Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pastor's Luncheon

Today Wil went to a Ministerial Alliance meeting, which is a meeting of all the pastors in Argonia.  They get together to collaborate on community events (Easter, Christmas, Food Pantry, etc.).  After that, Friendship Meals hosted a luncheon for all of the pastors (and their wives).  So Li'l Sir and I tagged along.  It was really nice!  We got to meet some more members of the community and had a good little lunch.  :)

This was before the lunch was brought out.  We didn't eat grape jelly.  :)

And of course, anytime I bring Soren somewhere, he is going to get held.  Here he is with our pastor, Mike.

Frances and Clarence, one of the wiser couples in our church, invited us over to their place to visit a bit and to show us the furniture that Clarence made for them several years ago.  I don't have a picture of this...I should have.  :(

After the Pastor's Luncheon, Soren (and consequently, Wil and I) went down for a short nap and then drove into Wichita for groceries and to grab some dinner.

And I have to say...I LOVE Wichita.

It has that small-town/big-city feel like Lubbock did...except all the Mom and Pop shops are still open.  We tried out TJ's Burger House.  And in Wil's words: "That place was good, but it's no Moo-ya".

Of course.  ;)  I really liked it, though!

Anyway.  We got home, saw that our bananas were already turning yellow.

Which reminded me of John's jokes.  We miss you, John!
Then we tried replacing some lightbulbs in the kitchen.

Then we found out that only one of the three outlets works.  Hehe!

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