Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Who would bring a book into a cave?"

LOST Premier!!  WE LOVED!

If you were watching carefully, you would have seen that the book in the cave was "Fear and Trembling" by Soren Kierkegaard, Soren's namesake!  This was Soren's first, last, and only LOST Premier...a very special event for us!

I'm thinking about getting a list of all the books mentioned on LOST and reading the literature that inspired the series.  I love LOST and this season looks like it's going to be AWESOME!!  :)

We discovered some other LOST fans today!

Kayla & Paul came over today for a visit and stayed for dinner.  We discussed the intricacies of LOST, ate some tacos, and watched some good ol' comedy.

Here's Jason & his daughter.

He and his wife are expecting another little one any day now!!  We are so excited to meet him or her!

Soren made a new friend.

Check THIS out!
Jasper caught this little guy in a trap earlier this week.  He's having him stuffed, but he brought him by today to show to us.  Pretty stinkin' cool.

Overall, a good couple of days this week :)

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